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​“It’s cold but things grow”: Boreal Gardens

by Sabrina Hornung | Music | April 4th, 2018

…When asked how they would describe their sound the Bismarck-based seven-piece Americana band, Boreal Gardens, replied, “We have many different influences, but we can try to describe our sound as Elvis Costello meets the Rolling Stones.” Add a horn section and some airy yet soulful vocals and you’ll have the…

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​The tastes they are a’changin’

by Sabrina Hornung | Editorial | April 4th, 2018

…A couple of weeks ago an article in The Washington Post called ‘Grandma’s food’: How changing tastes are killing German restaurants outlined just that. It acknowledged the loss of established German restaurants throughout the nation that have been around for generations.Why the a decline in German restaurants? One reason — we’re losing…

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Anderson Comments on Resistance in Controversial “Isle of Dogs”

by Greg Carlson | Cinema | April 4th, 2018

…Wes Anderson returns to animation with “Isle of Dogs,” a showcase of expectedly eye-popping production design and art direction that partially obscures a pricklier, flintier corner of the world than the one adapted from Roald Dahl’s “Fantastic Mr. Fox” in 2009. Writing the screenplay from a story credited to himself,…

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​Supporting North Dakota’s Next Generation of Creativity

by John Showalter | Culture | April 4th, 2018

…Whenever the topic of children’s education comes up, the subject of the arts usually follows. Despite the fact that artistic undertaking can have a positive effect on a young individual’s development, arts programs are often the first to see budget cuts for more “practical” fields. Many great artists got their…

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​Awesome Grant awarded to F-M’s only queer radio program

by Faye Seidler | Culture | April 4th, 2018

…The Awesome Foundation supports ideas and initiatives in our area through thousand-dollar grants every month. This month they awarded $1,000, split between the host of Fargo’s only queer radio program, Nemo Siqueiros, and the “Multi-Ethnic Recording Project” on KPPP-LP.Last year I had the privilege of talking to Nemo about his program…

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​Republic brings many new brands to Whiskey Fest 2018

by Chris Larson | Beer Snob | April 4th, 2018

…The area’s premiere whiskey sampling event, Fargo Whiskey Fest, is right around the corner and a sneak peek at the list of products being poured has me salivating and working on my plan of attack for the evening. Before I give you just a tiny taste of what on this…

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​Memories Of A Darn Good Governor

by Jim Fuglie | Last Word | April 4th, 2018

…Calm was the day in late JulyAnd bright was the sun across the skyBut inside his chest the calm had brokenGovernor Sinner had started croakin’.I laughed the first time I read that, and I’m still laughing every time I think about it. It’s a poem written by a sixth grader…

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​Assaulting the Status Quo with Ballots instead of Bullets: 21st Century Version

by Charlie Barber | Last Word | April 4th, 2018

…“I do not believe that a democracy must necessarily become something other than a democracy to protect its national interests…We can prevent and publish the abuse of liberty by sabotage, disorder and violence without destroying liberty itself.”   – U.S. Attorney General (later Supreme Court Justice) Frank Murphy, 1939"We know what…

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​Enough To Make You Puke

by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | April 4th, 2018

…The NRA Gun Lobby And Republicans Pick Guns Over KidsAfter the record-setting “March For Our Lives” protest on March 24, the $5 million-a-year National Rifle Association CEO Wayne LaPierre stayed in his bunker and remained tight-lipped, but his trolls dropped their AR-15s, climbed out of their militia foxholes, and put…

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‘You were charged, you appeared, and you pled guilty’

by C.S. Hagen | News | April 2nd, 2018

…FARGO – Zebadiah Gartner worked with family over the weekend to raise money for a fine and court fees to pay for an extra piece of sample chicken he took from Cashwise Foods in January 2017. Family and community pitched in; proceeds from an Indian Taco event helped Gartner raise…

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