6021 results for the search:
by HPR Contributor | Arts | August 15th, 2016
…By Jacinta Macheel ZensJude Cowan Montague is a London-based artist with a mind-boggling amount of creative endeavors and a list of accomplishments and degrees to make the staunchest of academics take note. She is a multimedia visual and musical artist, worked as an archivist for the Reuters Television Archive, has…
by HPR Contributor | Culture | August 12th, 2016
…By Chuck SollyI got an email the other day from an old high school buddy. I was really surprised to hear from him since high school was “far back.” Well, it turns out that it wasn’t him. His email address had been hacked and the hacker had put a link…
by HPR Contributor | Culture | August 12th, 2016
…By Tessa TorgesonThere is a piece of history smack dab amidst the seas of wheat and corn, cattle, and derricks in northwestern North Dakota. A crescent moon and star fence along with a tiny cinder block structure with an aluminum dome and minarets pierce the vast blue sky. This structure…
by HPR Contributor | Culture | August 10th, 2016
…By Faye Seidlerfayeseidler@gmail.comI’m a trans activist, born and raised in North Dakota. I’m also a trans woman, a fiancee, a writer, a dreamer, and have a passion for cooking. Beyond all of that, I specialize in educating others about trans issues in an inviting, nonjudgmental way. Bathroom bills are any…
by HPR Contributor | Music | August 10th, 2016
…By Ben RheaultEvery so often, local venue The Aquarium, sneaks out of the confines of its location situated above Dempsey’s Public House to give the public a free taste of the delights it has in store. It’s a good way to introduce people to musical flavors they may not yet…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | August 10th, 2016
…It’s time to dump the poisoned Olympics into Rio’s cesspoolFirst it was politics. Then it was money. After that, more propaganda. Now it’s the ugly combination of politics, propaganda, and money. In the ancient Olympic Games, athletic participation was so pure and honorable that a truce was called, so spectators…
by HPR Contributor | Culture | August 10th, 2016
…By Anne KrapuRegardless of one’s opinion of Brexit, economic analysis currently shows the British Pound (GBP) is weaker against the dollar than at any point in thirty years. That’s right – the last time traveling to the UK was this cheap, this writer was in diapers. First things first. Yes,…
by HPR Contributor | Culture | August 10th, 2016
…By Jeff KnightWho is Good for Nothing?Ben Hamilton, Shelley Szudera, and Jeff Knight (all board members of AAF-ND) along with a handful of awesome event volunteers.What is Good for Nothing?It’s a volunteer organization devoted to doing good for the community. Good for Nothing started in the UK and Fargo is…
by Sabrina Hornung | Culture | August 10th, 2016
…Kelly Coxsyn has been a glittery staple in the FM performance community for a number of years. She produces, hosts and performs with the Hell on Heels drag shows at Jerry’s Tavern, their home venue in Moorhead, and just celebrated her 10th year as a drag performer. “Seriously, if you’ve…
by Christopher P. Jacobs | Cinema | August 10th, 2016
…“The Big Sleep” (1946), Howard Hawks’ mystery-thriller starring Humphrey Bogart, is one of the best movie adaptations of Raymond Chandler’s detective Philip Marlowe, mainly thanks to Lauren Bacall figuring prominently in the cast and her obvious chemistry with Bogart. It’s packed with snappy, witty dialogue, sexual innuendoes with daring implications…