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​The Hunchback of Notre Dame

by HPR Staff | Best Bets | February 14th, 2018

…Opening night dinner: Friday, Feb 16, 6pm; doors 7pm, show 7:15  Oak Grove Performing Arts, 124 Terrace N, Fargo  Inspired interpretation of The Hunchback. What makes a monster and what makes a man? With the F-M Master Chorale, F-M Symphony Orchestra, over 100 voices on stage. Adults $12, students $8; Dinner,…

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​Gaming and Steam

by Chuck Solly | Culture | February 14th, 2018

…I have hesitated in the past to ride into the gaming world with my guns blazing and my hair blowing in the wind. My reasons are many and varied.In my own personal case, I don’t play online or offline games because it is a huge time sucker. I really don’t…

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A different type of printer

by Chuck Solly | Culture | February 14th, 2018

…I have worked with Computer-Aided-Design (CAD) software and its companion software Computer-Aided-Manufacturing (CAM) software for quite a few years now. All of the systems are different and they mostly have a very long learning curve. One of the most difficult tasks when using this software is getting the design working…

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​Tartuffe or not Tartuffe?

by HPR Contributor | Theatre | February 14th, 2018

…By Nathan Roybardsdream@gmail.comYou are absolutely right. The title is not “To be or not to be” from the famous Shakespeare soliloquy in “Hamlet.” I won’t be talking about Shakespeare particularly. I will expound the relevance of this silly wordplay, if I may.Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, the man known by his stage name,…

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​Is it the end of liberal education?

by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | February 14th, 2018

…Do we finally have ‘beauteous mankind in a brave new world?’British philosopher and writer Aldous Huxley used a line of Miranda’s speech in Shakespeare’s play “The Tempest” as the title for his book about the future published in 1932: “O wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous…

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​Why so little empathy and compassion within American culture?

by HPR Contributor | Last Word | February 14th, 2018

…By Gary Olsonolsong@moravian.eduThe ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas; the class which is the ruling material force in society is at the same time the ruling intellectual force.- Karl Marx and Friedrich EngelsSetting aside the 3 to 4 percent of the U.S. population that can…

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Erotic Art Show at Red Raven challenges and stimulates

by Särah Nour | Arts | February 14th, 2018

…The Red Raven had their annual opening party for the Erotic Art Show last week, drawing in a sizeable crowd that got to take home free condoms, lubricant, chapstick, and Planned Parenthood pins and brochures.The red candles at each table gave the place some romantic ambiance, while cardboard hearts, bubble…

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Emotional eating & dealing with a feeling

by HPR Contributor | All About Food | February 14th, 2018

…By Melissa Martin, Ph.D. Emotional eating refers to a range of behaviors in which individuals eat for reasons other than physiological hunger; and eating is an attempt to self-soothe emotions. The mood determines the food. Individuals eat to try to manage uncomfortable emotions such as grief, worthlessness, hopelessness, anger,…

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​Savoring local flavor

by Sabrina Hornung | Editorial | February 14th, 2018

…What draws people to a particular area? Food? Culture? Nostalgia? It’s hard to speak on behalf of the populace but we obviously know what draws us in as individuals.Here’s another question: What makes an area thrive and what makes up a community’s lifeblood?I spend a lot of time travelling throughout…

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Trompe l’oeil ceramics by Tim Kowalczyk

by Hee Han | Arts | February 14th, 2018

…Plains Art Museum will feature a two-day class headed by ceramic artist Tim Kowalczyk, featuring his trompe l’oeil “cardboard” ceramic technique.Trompe l’oeil is a French term meaning, “deceive the eye,” and it is an art technique that uses a realistic image to create an optical illusion. Kowalczyk explained what he…

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