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​Celebrating ‘choice’

by Särah Nour | Culture | February 4th, 2015

…Friday, Jan. 23, was a delicious night of Choice Desserts, an annual fundraiser for the Red River Women’s Clinic, taking place at the Alumni Center at North Dakota State University. As the only abortion clinic in North Dakota, the RRWC also serves women of northwestern Minnesota and northern South Dakota.The…

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​Cooking With a Friend

by Deb Jenkins | All About Food | January 29th, 2015

…My friend Barb wanted me to teach her how to make my version of falafels. It really is the version that a coworker from my Full Circle Restaurant days shared with our staff.For those of you who do not have a clue what I am talking about, falafels are made…

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​Basement’s Best: Natalie Prass’ stunningly strong debut is no fluke

by Stephen Anderson | Music | January 29th, 2015

…With what sounds like the last tiptoe across the floorboards of a once-shared home, Natalie Prass presents herself to the world.With a voice as soft as down, Prass bares her vulnerability just enough for empathy, though the astounding confidence of her tried-and-true songwriting chops, augmented by enveloping string and horn…

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Extreme Air

by Amy Borgman | Wellness | January 28th, 2015

…Last Sunday was a warm, clear, perfect day so Diane and I dusted off our snowboards and ventured to the newly reopened Detroit Mountain in Detroit Lakes. The mountain closed in 2004, but, due to local rallying and fundraising, it has been reopened with new management and a new vision.The…

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​HPR under the microscope

by Jack Dura | Culture | January 28th, 2015

…Communication analysis course reaps many findings for writers and readersIn my collegiate quest to become a journalist, my major’s curriculum guide plopped me in COMM 320: Communication Analysis last fall, a charming class devoted to communication research and analyzing media and messages.A term paper project dominated the semester, with mixed…

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​Supplements: The Argument for Vitamin D

by Ravi Panjini | Wellness | January 28th, 2015

…Vitamin D supplementation has taken off in alternative medicine in the last five years. The primary function of Vitamin D is to regulate levels of calcium and phosphorous, which promote bone health, in the body.What has captivated the public and scientists is the potential role of Vitamin D supplementation in…

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​Come on down to ‘Harmontown’

by Greg Carlson | Cinema | January 28th, 2015

…Fan studies scholars should salivate over Neil Berkeley’s portrait of writer/performer Dan Harmon, the self-proclaimed mayor of “Harmontown,” the popular podcast he hosts.Berkeley’s documentary bears the same name as Harmon’s loquacious, therapeutic circus, and hardcore devotees will already be familiar with the details of that freewheeling, improvisational, mental odyssey and…

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​Overlooked classic thriller new to Blu-ray

by Christopher P. Jacobs | Cinema | January 28th, 2015

…Just about everyone knows of Alfred Hitchcock’s classic “Rear Window,” with James Stewart as a man convinced that a neighbor has murdered his wife but nobody will believe him.Few remember, however, that earlier that same year a film with a very similar plot came out starring Barbara Stanwyck in a…

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Oversight on oil and gas

by Rob Port | Say Anything | January 28th, 2015

…“Measure would void new North Dakota flaring, oil rules,” screams a headline from the Associated Press about state Rep. Keith Kempenich’s bill to change the process by which oil regulations are passed by the the Industrial Commission.That headline set up a scolding and typically intemperate editorial from the Fargo Forum,…

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​Full of Faith: Adam Copeland on “Wrestling with Faith and College”

by Särah Nour | Writer's Block | January 28th, 2015

…It was two weeks ago today that Adam Copeland, Concordia professor and director of theological inquiry, held a reading at Zandbroz Variety for his book “Kissing in the Chapel, Praying in the Frat House: Wrestling with Faith and College.” This event included free food, coffee and wine, along with copies…

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