6012 results for the search:
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | March 31st, 2016
…Expensive “free speech” doesn’t mean anything Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the Earth Institute at Columbia University has surveyed 157 countries to find the “world’s happiest place” based on such facts as Gross Domestic Product per capita (GDP), social support, healthy life expectancy , freedom to make life choices,…
by Christopher P. Jacobs | Theatre | March 31st, 2016
…Last month a couple of overlooked comedies from the mid-60s and early 70s made their Blu-ray debuts. Both were box office disappointments when originally released and continue to elicit mixed responses, but have gained fans over the intervening decades.Peter Sellers and Victor Mature star in “After the Fox” (1966), Vittoria…
by HPR Contributor | Culture | March 31st, 2016
…By Ben HaugmoSpring is just around the corner, and what better way to ring it in than with a round of gardening? To ensure the plants grow strong and healthy, it’s often recommended that one apply a form of fertilizer. Rather than taking the chemical route or waiting for leftovers…
by Brittney Goodman | Culture | March 30th, 2016
…Richard Preston of Fargo, owner of 7th Avenue Auto Salvage, purchases vehicles in need of repair, fixes them, and then donates them to the YWCA Cass Clay Women’s Shelter and has been doing so for seven years. Over time, Richard estimates he’s donated 10 to 12 cars to the women…
by HPR Contributor | Wellness | March 30th, 2016
…By Catherine FalconnierA study from the School of Public Health at the University of Minnesota has found a correlation between doula support and lower rates of interventions and C-sections.What is a doula?In a nutshell a doula is a woman who is trained in prenatal education, pain management techniques during labor,…
by Greg Carlson | Cinema | March 30th, 2016
…At 63 years of age, Paul Reubens completes a minor miracle with the return of beloved, iconic manchild Pee-wee Herman, the eccentric creation whose appeal to grown-ups and children hit the bullseye in Tim Burton’s feature directorial debut “Pee-wee’s Big Adventure” and on television in “Pee-wee’s Playhouse.” “Pee-wee’s Big Holiday”…
by Charlie Barber | Last Word | March 30th, 2016
…“Brush up your Shakespeare, start quoting him now…” - Cole Porter“When the white man turns tyrant, it is his own freedom he destroys.” - George Orwell“…there’s not a thing wrong with the ideals and mechanisms outlined and the liberties set forth in the Constitution of the United States. The only…
by HPR Contributor | Arts | March 30th, 2016
…By Elle AndersonThis is the twelfth year that the Plains Art Museum will be holding Art on the Plains, a competitive exhibition of contemporary art. Most of the artists are from the Great Plains region, but there are some competitors from Canada. This event exposes the public to new and…
by Sabrina Hornung | Editorial | March 30th, 2016
…It’s about that time when we ask our readers to call the shots. The Best of the Best is coming around the corner and we at the High Plains Readers want you to tell us the best bands, the top artists, the best eats, drinks, and everything in between. On…
by Chris Hennen | News | March 30th, 2016
…For the second year in a row, the Fargo police department talked to venues who had agreed to host the annual Spring Jam hip hop concert hosted by rapper J-Sauce aka Jason Grant and tried to convince them not to hold the event. They brought up the incident at last…