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​The Five Varietals That Will Knock Your Socks Off (And You’ve Never Heard Of!)

by Megan Bartholomay | Beer Snob | April 18th, 2018

…I consider myself an avid wine drinker, but I recently found out there are more than 10,000 varieties of grapes, and about 1,500 of those are used to make commercial wines. I don’t know about you, but I could probably name about 50 before I exhausted my list (and I think…

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​PB&J’s Second Annual School Lunch Fundraiser

by Faye Seidler | Culture | April 18th, 2018

…I had a chance to sit down with Moorhead school board member Kara Gloe about her fundraising event to help students in need. This is a project she has undertaken outside of her role on the school board because it’s an issue that she deeply cares about. The money raised…

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Positive Vibrations: The Edge Interview with Jurema Silva

by HPR Staff | Culture | April 18th, 2018

…By Tim Miejant.miejan.25@gmail.comAs a young girl growing up in São Paulo in southern Brazil, Jurema Silva was exposed to an eclectic blend of spirituality that went beyond the borders of her family’s Catholic Church parish. Yes, on Sunday millions of Brazilians attended mass, but during the week, on Wednesday nights…

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​“Truth or Dare” Tries to Scare Up More Blumhouse Magic

by Greg Carlson | Cinema | April 18th, 2018

…Leveraging whatever name-brand clout it might carry with the target demographic, “Blumhouse’s Truth or Dare”—the onscreen title for the pre and post-credit sequences—won’t make the kind of impact previously enjoyed by “Get Out” or, for that matter, the “Purge” series. Even so, the Jeff Wadlow-directed horror…

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by HPR Staff | All About Food | April 18th, 2018

…By Ben Myhrebenmyhre35@gmail.comAs a North Dakota native, raw oysters are just not a food staple that I think about. We are about as far from the coasts as we can get and we have a backyard full of tasty local cuisine, like walleye and catfish. It was just a few…

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​This is what happens when you find a “Stranger in the Alps”

by Sabrina Hornung | Music | April 18th, 2018

…Phoebe Bridgers is a force. Her debut album “Stranger in the Alps” is soft, but mighty, it’s honest and it’s personal, her voice haunting, and lyrically her liner notes read like a journal. She provides insight to her fears, often alluding to drowning which she cites as her biggest fear. She…

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​Spring? We won’t bank on it, if you get our drift…

by Sabrina Hornung | Editorial | April 18th, 2018

…According to Greek mythology Hades is to blame for the Earth’s mournful state of winter. The story involves Persephone the goddess of nature and Hades the god of the underworld in a classic caper of obsession, abduction, and Stockholm syndrome. Hades had become obsessed with Persephone and captured her as…

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HPR’s Bartender’s Battle 2018 pictures

by HPR Staff | Cocktail Showdown | April 17th, 2018

…FARGO - A collection of memories from High Plains Reader’s annual Cocktail Showdown. Participants were judged on creativity, flavor, and presentation; and this year we added a new category. Like years before, each establishment was allowed to enter a cocktail, but for the first time ever, we allowed participants to choose to…

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Best of the best 2018

by Sabrina Hornung | News | April 11th, 2018

…Gentle Reader readers we’re looking to start our engines and gear up for the 2018 edition of the HPR’s Best Bets—the area’s longest-running media poll, with over 20 years on the track.As you know, each week we do our best to set the scene and let you know…

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​Wine not Wednesday: Wine club April 2018

by HPR Staff | Best Bets | April 11th, 2018

…Wednesday, April 18, 5-7pmLuna Fargo, 1545 University Drive, FargoKaren Harrington of Southern Glazer Wine and Spirits is bringing 6 wines to sample and paired with the finest of cheeses. There will also be an interactive chat about wine and cheese from 5:30-6:30pm. Special pricing for featured wines will be offered…

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