6021 results for the search:
by Jack Dura | Theatre | October 2nd, 2014
…Theatre B’s “Wit” takes us on a Journey Through CancerBeginning Theatre B’s 12th season of shows is a play that is a little more aged when compared to the company’s past productions.Margaret Edson’s “Wit,” the 1999 winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, is older than Theatre B’s typically newer…
by Granville Wood | All About Food | October 2nd, 2014
…I did my usual trip to the farmers market on Saturday to stock up on tomatoes and other wholesome goodness and was saddened to realize that tomato season is almost over. It was a little bit later in the day than when I normally go and it was slim pickings.…
by Diane Miller | Editorial | October 2nd, 2014
…Advocates for shared parenting in North Dakota are proposing a measure that could change the lives of families throughout the state.According to the proposed ND law, “(Measure 6), upon voter approval, would create a legal presumption that each parent in a child custody case is fit to parent, unless ‘clear…
by Diane Miller | Music | October 2nd, 2014
…Old-school fans of Taking Back Sunday no longer need to believe, “this all was only wishful thinking.” Their wishes have come true: the band’s “Tell All Your Friends” lineup is back together.While the news really isn’t new anymore, it’s still significant. Formed in 1999, during a time when emo was…
by Diane Miller | Culture | September 25th, 2014
…In Fargo, it’s now possible for freelance designers to be co-workers with university professors. It’s now much more possible for a web developer to get over-the-shoulder feedback from a creative writer, or vice versa. Or perhaps a tech entrepreneur needs advice from a coworking attorney. In many cases, people might…
by Chris Hennen | Editorial | September 25th, 2014
…Our opinion // The US should be very cautious about expanding our involvement in the Middle EastThis week, the United States began air strikes in Syria in an attempt to disarm ISIS who is causing all sorts of problems in Iraq in attempt to take it over. The move marks a…
by John Strand | Editorial | September 18th, 2014
…HPR’s 20th birthday has come and gone. We held three events and a lot of folks of all walks of life popped in to be part of the celebration. Above all else, times like that remind us how fortunate we truly are.Our karaoke party at the Plains Art Museum Thursday…
by Diane Miller | Wellness | September 18th, 2014
…Nine years ago, the Weilers, of Fargo, lost one of their family members to suicide during a time when even saying the word “suicide” was difficult for people in the community.As one of the organizers of today’s most well attended suicide walk in North Dakota, Out of The Darkness, Brenda…
by Sabrina Hornung | Arts | September 18th, 2014
…Kim Bromley dips into numerous cups for inspiration to make art. Whether it be showcased in his Monet-esque “Pond Series” featured in the Spirit Room Gallery, “The Moby Dick Series” exhibited at The Plains Art Museum in 2013 or even his series of billiard balls that he was commissioned to…
by Diane Miller | Music | September 18th, 2014
…Tiny is the new large. Noisy is the new “Pleasant.” At least it is in the world of Benson-based, Fargo-grown alternative rock ‘n’ roll trio Tiny Moving Parts.Previously, Tiny Moving Parts were the quintessential young punks who threw some of best basement/house shows Fargo’s seen in recent years. Today, this…