351 results for the search:
by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | January 7th, 2023
…gadfly@gmail.com To ND Legislators: Are Women Equal to Men and Shall All LBGTQ+ be Stoned?It is well known that many politicians who have played doctor when toddlers continue to play the same game and vote on medical and scientific issues they know nothing about after being elected to public office.…
by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | December 27th, 2022
…gadfly@gmail.comWhy Is the World Such a Terrible Mess When We Have 4,200 Religions?‘Twas said Hitler was kind to his secretary and was inconsolable when one of his favorite dogs died. How did he feel about killing six million of the eleven million Jews living in Europe, as well as starting…
by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | December 18th, 2022
…gadfly@gmail.com The Donald Is Playing ‘Mac the Knife’There have been several centuries-old historical records when men and boys were intentionally castrated to provide a specific social function. The Republican Party and Donald Trump have just started another record. Eunuchs in the reign of Semiramis 4,000 years ago served as servants…
by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | December 15th, 2022
…gadfly@gmail.com What Is Abortion Really About? Religion, Science, Economics, PoliticsIn a recent cartoon, God is perched on a beautiful cloud and is looking down at a chicken and an egg ready to cross a road. The caption is: “Remember, you must both leave at the same time!” Is God attempting…
by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | November 27th, 2022
…gadfly@gmail.com Why Not Pass Black-White Flag Laws to Label Who Lies, Cheats, and Stinks?We have “red flag” laws in 19 states to keep weapons out of the hands of malcontents and the mentally unbalanced who threaten family members and others with firearms or other weapons. The American Psychiatric Association has…
by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | November 19th, 2022
…gadfly@gmail.com That’s the Big Question Today: To Be (Democratic) or Not to Be (Autocratic)Here we are, only 400 years after our major trouble started with the Mayflower and other ships landing immigrants and slaves on “American” soil named after an Italian entrepreneur named Amerigo Vespucci. He explored possibilities here twice…
by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | November 16th, 2022
…gadfly@gmail.com A Trivia Question: How Many Horses Have Been Elected Senator?There is ample critical historical evidence that horses, or their varying parts thereof, have played important roles in the governing of nations for over 2,000 years. Emperor Caligula, who ruled Rome from year 37 to 41, had the qualities of…
by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | November 5th, 2022
…gadfly@gmail.com This Country Is Going to Hell While Politicians of Both Parties Are DancingIt’s been many years since Corky and I did the Hokey Pokey, that dance where you forced your extremities, including your head, to flail and shake to a musical Caribbean-like beat furnished by various instruments. The common…
by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | October 24th, 2022
…gadfly@gmail.com Why Did One of the Most Civilized Countries Commit Crimes Against Humanity?At the end of World War II I was thirteen and enthralled by aircraft carriers, 70-ton tanks, B-29s, and uniforms. Since then, I have read a dozen books and hundreds of articles about the Holocaust, and Corky and…
by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | October 20th, 2022
…gadfly@gmail.comThere Are Many Reasons Why Our Middle Class Is DisappearingEnglish novelist Charles Dickens, who experienced both poverty and wealth in his lifetime, included both poor and rich in his novels, particularly in Bleak House, David Copperfield, Oliver Twist, and A Tale of Two Cities. Remember Scrooge and Tiny Tim in…