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​The Death of a Baby

by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | October 24th, 2022

… Why Did One of the Most Civilized Countries Commit Crimes Against Humanity?At the end of World War II I was thirteen and enthralled by aircraft carriers, 70-ton tanks, B-29s, and uniforms. Since then, I have read a dozen books and hundreds of articles about the Holocaust, and Corky and…

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​Is This London or Hell?

by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | October 20th, 2022

…gadfly@gmail.comThere Are Many Reasons Why Our Middle Class Is DisappearingEnglish novelist Charles Dickens, who experienced both poverty and wealth in his lifetime, included both poor and rich in his novels, particularly in Bleak House, David Copperfield, Oliver Twist, and A Tale of Two Cities. Remember Scrooge and Tiny Tim in…

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​School Lunches and Rookie Dinners

by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | October 1st, 2022

…gadfly@gmail.comA Rich Caveman Had Extra Skins While Today a Super Rich Man Has Two YachtsThe Wall Street Journal, Rupert Murdoch’s daily recipe for the rich and infamous, publishes a section called “Mansions” every Friday. In the September 16th edition, the section bragged shamelessly that a developer was asking $250 million…

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​Warm Wealth or Cold Poverty?

by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | September 25th, 2022

… From Mansion or Hovel, We All End Up DeadWe are now living in the Divided States of America, which has been developing for more than 240 years. Economist Frederic Bastiat has come up with the main reason for the division: “When plunder becomes a way of life for a…

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​Terrible Transgenders in Trumpistan

by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | September 18th, 2022

… Double Jeopardy: Being a Member of the LBGTQ+ Community and College DebtIn the 16th Century, King Henry VIII told the Roman Catholic Church in England to go back to Rome after Pope Clement VII refused to give him an annulment or divorce from his first marriage to Catherine of…

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​History Is Going Critical

by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | September 17th, 2022

… Our Society is Facing Several Nuclear Options in These Critical TimesI always had my senior English students at Fargo Central High School read and discuss “The Strange Death of Louis Slotin,” because for the rest of our human history we were going to live or die with atoms. It…

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​Chaos: A Born-Again God

by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | September 14th, 2022

… I Pledge to Maintain a Good Constitution as I Pray to Liberal Gods and GoddessesDuring the Pledge of Allegiance mess in Fargo a couple of weeks ago I suggested as a former member of the Fargo School Board that, as Homo Sapiens have been around for 300,000 years, we…

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​Pansexuality and Polyamory

by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | August 27th, 2022

…gadfly@gnail.comIsn’t It Time Everybody Learns About Sex Before “It” Happens to You?We just had a president who didn’t read anything but body language on stacked trophy women. He watched television while trying to overthrow the government of our country.Americans no longer read much. They watch TV, smart phones, laptops, tablets,…

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​All the World’s a Stage

by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | August 20th, 2022

…gadfly@gmail.comHell has Nine Stories—and We Will Have Politicians Getting Off at Every LevelAmerican politicians are going to Hell today and the elevators are exceeding weight limits. When Senator William Proxmire of Wisconsin was elected to his last two terms in 1976 and 1982, he spent less than $200 in campaign…

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​Destroying the Fourth Reich

by Sabrina Hornung | Gadfly | August 20th, 2022

…gadfly@gmail.comPolitics From Bill Fields: “I Never Vote for Anyone. I Always Vote Against.”Every day, if possible, I have a martini on the rocks in tribute to a man who has enriched my life. At the age of twelve W.C. Fields was learning how to juggle while helping his poor father…

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