351 results for the search:
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | August 31st, 2016
…It’s getting to be a real bizarre world out thereWe have The Donald, once a classic psychopathic Democratic ass who is now running for president of 325 million people as a crazy psychopathic Republican elephant. He likes his name in twenty-foot high gold letters on everything. We have former Minnesota…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | August 24th, 2016
…“He’s got a good head on his shoulders” may have an entirely new meaningThey have done it to mice, rats, and dogs. Humans could be next. About 220 years ago Queen Marie Antoinette of France, famous for her sarcastic “Let them eat cake!” lost her head to the guillotine when…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | August 17th, 2016
…When will Christians recognize the science of genetics?When some Fargo Catholics walked the seven-mile pilgrimage last week from the “holy door of mercy” on the Sts. Anne & Joachim Church to the “holy door of mercy” of St Mary’s Cathedral, I wonder if they thought of members of the LGBTQ…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | August 10th, 2016
…It’s time to dump the poisoned Olympics into Rio’s cesspoolFirst it was politics. Then it was money. After that, more propaganda. Now it’s the ugly combination of politics, propaganda, and money. In the ancient Olympic Games, athletic participation was so pure and honorable that a truce was called, so spectators…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | August 3rd, 2016
…The era of cutthroat hyper-capitalismWe have been down this rock-strewn pathway before. It happens about every three generations because humans have short attention spans, and those who forget history usually repeat it. Capitalism works for everybody only with the condition that we have social mobility—which can only be achieved through…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | July 27th, 2016
…Old and new normalsIn the old normal, until the 1980s, we had lynchings by the Klu Klux Klan and others marked by racial hatred and economic inequality. In the last 30 years we have added conceal and open-carry laws and an absolute tsunami of guns on the streets to the…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | July 20th, 2016
…Do not pass go, go directly to jail, and never earn any moneySince the light for the philosophy “Greed is Good” was turned to green by Ronald Reagan 35 years ago, local and state governments have increased spending on putting people in jail three times more than they spend on…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | July 6th, 2016
…When robots do most of the work…We have reached the point with artificial intelligence and robotic machines that thousands of products are purchased each day that have never been touched by human hands until placed in a shopping cart. So who is getting most of the wealth produced by computers…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | June 22nd, 2016
…A $3,456,789 lunch for the homelessIn a country when on any given night we have over 600,000 people homeless, including 64,000 families with about 123,000 children, we have basketball fans paying $49,500 for courtside seats at the 2016 final game of the National Basketball Association playoffs. Lesser seats on the…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | June 15th, 2016
…Smarts, sex, and sensibilitiesMinnesota Governor Mark Dayton wants the state to spend $175 million to make public school pre-school programs available to all four-year-olds. The purpose is to close the large educational gap between poor and minority students and their more fortunate Minnesota classmates. He’s starting out small, requesting $25…