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Dominant wealth “deconstructs” society

by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | March 15th, 2017

…Living in the eye of the wealth hurricaneAn old Cree Indian prophecy may outline what our future looks like: “When all the trees have been cut down, when all the animals have been hunted, when all the waters have been polluted, when all the air is unsafe to breathe, only…

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A one-way ticket to Tombstone USA

by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | March 8th, 2017

…Is it really high noon all over the country?The inconvenient truth of unintended consequences has struck again. The National Rifle Association, under the leadership of top-gun Wayne LaPierre, once described by New York newspapers as “the craziest man on earth,” has been pushing for every kind of gun-carrying scheme, with…

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Republican cop-out: ‘Well, I’m not a scientist’

by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | March 1st, 2017

…Onward, science soldiers, marching off to war—to fight ‘alternative’ factsAfter just a month of the reign of King Donald the First, about 1,800 of our top scientists registered their frustration with the unscientific mess in the White House and Congress by publicly protesting the administration’s actions in Boston’s…

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That old time religion isn’t good enough for anybody

by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | February 22nd, 2017

…North Dakota bigotry, a national one-week strike, and plutocratic plunderingFirst, a rant about the Republican North Dakota Legislature. There’s no doubt there are about 70,000 North Dakotans you consider to be second-class citizens. They are your gay brothers and sisters, your aunts and uncles, your neighbors, your co-workers and your…

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Sycophants, plutocrats, and pitchforks

by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | February 15th, 2017

…The game is riggedLast year 25 American hedge fund managers, whose income tax rate is about half of what their secretaries pay, made enough billions to fully pay the salaries of over 450,000 teachers. Thirsty and hungry at Super Bowl 51 this year? A glass of beer was $12 and…

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Bye-bye, Miami—Greenland is melting

by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | February 8th, 2017

…Congress diddles while the Earth wobblesThe first real study of the changes in the earth’s climate took place at Camp Century in Greenland, in 1960, which was supposedly built by the United States to test Arctic construction methods and carry out “other research.” Scientists from the engineering school of Toronto’s…

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I’ve Always Lived In A Great Country

by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | February 1st, 2017

…Dear Mr. President:I was born in 1932 during the Great Depression on 180 acres of sand and rocks near Little Falls, Minnesota. I played Anti-Over and Pump-Pump-Pull-Away with my 20 schoolmates from surrounding farms in a little country school for eight years. I thought I was living in a great…

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​Weeping and wailing about wealth

by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | January 18th, 2017

…A most unpopular Bible verseI have been listening to religious sermons for almost 78 years since I passed to my “age of reason” at seven, so I have “analyzed” about 4,000 sermons give or take, 20 years worth delivered by Roman Catholic priests and 58 years by Lutheran ministers. I…

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Gender myths and beliefs

by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | January 11th, 2017

…Sex chromosomes XX and XY just don’t cut it anymoreIn my last column of December, I wrote that the January 2017 special issue of National Geographic would be totally devoted to the issue of gender around the world. I have received my copy, so I have spent hours marking up…

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A long way to go

by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | December 7th, 2016

…Things to considerIn this age of the disappearing middle-class and the greatest income inequality in our history, I see the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History is sponsoring a fund drive called KeepThem Ruby, to repair and preserve Minnesota’s own Judy Garland’s leather, sequined, and glass-beaded slippers from that epic…

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