351 results for the search:
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | November 30th, 2016
…Is the white god creating a mighty white fortress?Six weeks and six days after Abraham Lincoln gave his second inaugural address on March 4, 1865 he was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth, a Confederate sympathizer. His speech was a plea to end the division of the states that had cost…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | November 22nd, 2016
…Chaos and the American empireHarper’s Magazine in the last edition published a long list of items that were mistaken for guns in the hands of people killed by police in the United States since 2001.People were shot to death because they held hairbrushes, bottles of cologne, beer, and pills; toys…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | November 16th, 2016
…The longest civil war in historyOur American Civil War, brought on by white supremacists and the enslavement of millions of blacks, started in 1860, killed 620,000 of the Blue and Grey over five years of intensive fighting, and really hasn’t been concluded yet. The military part of the war was…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | November 9th, 2016
…Our Nobel Prize winner for literature recognizes changeI have to write this column a day before the election in order to make a publishing date, so it will be interesting on November 10 to see whether Americans voted for “change” or not. Both politicians were running to make changes in…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | November 2nd, 2016
…The four major elements in this electionThe last book of the New Testament of the Bible, called the Book of Revelation, describes the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the messengers bringing a vision of the Last Judgment. The white horse brings conquest and pestilence, the red horse brings war, the…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | October 26th, 2016
…A reversal of the evolutionary chart?There are several published charts by scientists that illustrate how the human has progressed from green swamp slime to ruler of the planet. A popular one shows 15 characters from monkeys to gorillas, to apes, to orangutans, to chimps, to knuckle-dragging Neanderthals, and finally to…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | October 19th, 2016
…The good, the bad, and the really uglyThe headline might suggest this column is all about the 2016 presidential and Congressional election. Most of it is, but there are some good things happening in this country, although the election campaigns concentrate on emphasizing the bad and the really ugly. As…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | September 28th, 2016
…Our climate is going down the toilet—a solid gold oneIn late August the International Geological Congress meeting in Capetown, South Africa received a recommendation from a world-renown group of scientific experts that the world has entered a new geological epoch because of human impact on Planet Earth. The experts say…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | September 14th, 2016
…PotpourriEvery once in awhile over the years I have written a column, a potpourri of unconnected, incongruous comments based on items in a little folder I keep. I hope they are interesting—and that they make a point.1. About 25 states have accepted or are proposing to legalize the use of…
by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | September 7th, 2016
…Will we ever get our priorities straight?The Pilgrims of the Massachusetts Bay Colony were the first Americans to pledge support of wounded war veterans after members of their “militia” were killed and wounded during the massacre of native Pequots in 1636. Caring for our veterans after 400 years of war…