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​HPR speaks with rock n’ roll royalty

by Sabrina Hornung | Music | January 31st, 2018

…Whoever said rock n’roll ain’t pretty must have never had the opportunity to speak with Wanda Jackson, often referred to as “the queen of rockabilly” and even the “first lady of rock n’ roll.” The Oklahoma native just turned 80 this year and has just released her autobiography, “Every Night…

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‘I go by Flash’

by Sabrina Hornung | All About Food | January 31st, 2018

…When asked what brought the former truck driver and Driscoll native Wendel “Flash” Krous into the bar business he said, “Friends, if you can call ‘em that, they talked me into doin’ it. I bought an old gas station. They used to come down and drink in the shop, where…

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​Anderson and Day-Lewis stitch with ‘Phantom Thread’

by Greg Carlson | Cinema | January 31st, 2018

…A delectable and devilish exercise in exquisite restraint, “Phantom Thread” offers compelling evidence that Paul Thomas Anderson and Daniel Day-Lewis can do quiet and still as effectively as the thunder and lightning they made together in “There Will Be Blood.”A supremely funny homage to Alfred Hitchcock’s “Rebecca,” the new movie…

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​Democrats announce candidacies

by HPR Staff | News | January 31st, 2018

…State Representative Josh Boschee, District 44, Fargo, announced his candidacy for the ND Democratic-NPL endorsement for Secretary of State on January 30. Boschee has served in the state legislature since 2013. He is a member of the Administrative Rules Committee, the Government Finance Committee, and the Workers’ Compensation Review Committee.Fargo businessman Brandon Medenwald and Paula Thomas…

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​The Polka King

by Greg Carlson | Cinema | January 26th, 2018

…Making its way to Netflix a year after debuting at the 2017 Sundance Film Festival, “The Polka King” is the fictionalized version of Ponzi schemer Jan Lewan’s jaw-dropping journey from bandstand to prison cell. Played with his usual antic panache by Jack Black as an optimistic entrepreneur with mostly benevolent…

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​Choice Desserts 2018

by HPR Staff | Best Bets | January 26th, 2018

…Friday, January 26, 7pm Avalon Events Center, 2525 9th Ave S Celebrate the 45th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Enjoy decadent desserts, silent and live auctions, and a cash bar. Benefits ND WIN Abortion Access Fund, assisting women seeking abortion and reproductive healthcare services in ND. 701-478-9600

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​Real Talk: The Health and Human Services Department is making a mockery of religion

by Faye Seidler | Culture | January 26th, 2018

…The Health and Human Services Department (HHS) announced on Thursday the formation of a new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division in the HHS Office for Civil Rights.The purpose of this division is to champion the religious freedoms and personal beliefs of health providers over the public’s right to receive necessary…

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​Does the Bible really tell me so?

by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | January 26th, 2018

…Helen Grace JamesAccording to modern scientific research, over 1500 animal and human species have different gender identities while evolving. We have presently identified at least 60. Facebook offers its clients the right to identify up to 50 different gender identities. Many countries in the world have approved same-sex marriage, military…

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​An Anomic explosion at the Aquarium

by John Showalter | Music | January 26th, 2018

…I recently had the opportunity to sit down with Anomic at Atomic Coffee (they insisted I put that wordplay in the article). Anomic are a two-person band comprised of two pretty swell guys named Jay Stevenson, who provides vocals and guitar, and Rick Tullar, who plays the drums.Even though there…

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​Beats, Bass and Bucks Benefit for Brady

by HPR Staff | Best Bets | January 26th, 2018

…Friday, January 26, 6pmThe Aquarium, 226 Broadway N upstairsBrady Deboer has a heart condition and a stroke which has kept him in the hospital for months. Long recovery, cardiac rehab, speech therapy. Free food, silent auction, bake sale, donation jars. Area’s best DJs, hosts Cassie C & Brian N. 701-235-5913 

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