6021 results for the search:
by HPR Contributor | Wellness | August 8th, 2013
…By Lauren BeekIf you had an idea to improve the world around you, could you explain it in three minutes? That is the task at hand for local leaders taking part in Fargo’s first ever Health Pitch event. This progressive event will focus on innovative ideas in the realm of…
by Bryce Haugen | News | August 8th, 2013
…Train’s “Marry Me” provided an appropriate soundtrack as the clock ticked toward midnight on August 1 and dozens quietly trickled into a Clay County courtroom. A sheriff’s deputy on duty said he’d never heard music in the courtroom before. But for a night of firsts that was a trivial aside.…
by Diane Miller | Music | August 1st, 2013
…This Sunday, The Aquarium will host an authentic, raw, rough and quirky Seattle-based indie-punk band. They are called Wimps.This could quite possibly one of the most purely fun non-locally fronted indie shows in Fargo this year. With rock-energized tracks like “Stop Having Fun,” “Grumps” and “Nap,” Wimps’ songs are short,…
by Diane Miller | Music | July 25th, 2013
…As far as we know Erika Wennerstrom isn’t a Heartless Bastard. Perhaps it just reflects in her singing in split-second increments. Her voice is incredibly dynamic.Truly, Wennerstrom’s voice is one of the Heartless Bastard’s most enthralling features. Often times it’s clear and easy to follow, other times it loops, looms,…
by Diane Miller | Editorial | July 25th, 2013
…Our opinion/ Let’s keep big retailers honestIf a business tries to tell you your damaged product is unfixable or that “It would just be much cheaper to buy a new one,” remember to be skeptical. It is one of many popular dealings that companies use to increase their revenues.Is this…
by Bryce Haugen | News | July 11th, 2013
…A former congresswoman who has turned tragedy into activism dropped by Fargo last Wednesday with her astronaut husband to promote “common-sense steps” to curb gun violence.About a hundred people gathered in downtown Fargo’s Atomic Coffee to hear from Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot in the head more than two years…
by Diane Miller | Music | June 23rd, 2013
…Avett Brothers to perform in Fargo for the first timeThe Avett Brothers of North Carolina are heading farther north.This popular modern Ameriana/folk outfit will perform in Fargo for the first time ever this Thursday at the The Venue at the Hub. Concert-goers should expect a packed house. The Avett Brothers are…
by Amber Morgan | Theatre | June 6th, 2013
…Straw Hat Players are wrapping up their morning rehearsal on Friday, May 31 and are about to break for lunch.Young adults dressed in loose t-shirts, baggy shorts and tennis shoes sit on the wooden floor and listen to a man dressed in similar clothing, sitting in a chair above them…
by Diane Miller | Outdoors | June 6th, 2013
…By Lauren BeekThe Rainbow Garden and Sculpture Walk is a beautiful little spot in the North Dakota countryside and is a clear indicator of the strong community that built it.As soon as you enter the place, a sign proclaims, “The garden is supported and maintained by the people of Mayville-Portland…
by Diane Miller | Arts | June 6th, 2013
…Jessica Wachter at the Plains Art MuseumArguably the most buzzed about young artist in town, North Dakota State University art and interior design graduate Jessica Wachter doesn’t necessarily create the most outwardly accessible artwork.But that may be another arguable statement. Yes, her work is abstract, simply meaning any viewer could…