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​ Building ‘Storefront Church’

by Jack Dura | Theatre | November 26th, 2014

…Theatre B holiday show explores deeper meaning in modern timesThe holiday season means a lot of different things for everybody, including Theatre B. The downtown theater company is bringing the true meaning of the season to its stage with its latest offering, “Storefront Church.”In typical Theatre B fashion, this John…

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​6th annual Cocktail Showdown: Week 5

by Chris Hennen | Cocktail Showdown | November 26th, 2014

…We are in the final week of the 6th annual HPR Cocktail Showdown. Hard to believe but time flies when you are sampling some of the region’s finest drinks. Stay tuned in coming issues for the finalists from this year’s field and details on when and where they will face…

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​The limits of control: “Whiplash”

by Greg Carlson | Cinema | November 26th, 2014

…Late in writer-director Damien Chazelle’s sophomore feature “Whiplash,” monstrous music teacher Terence Fletcher states, “There are no two words in the English language more harmful than good job.” By this point, the viewer will have formed a few troubled thoughts about Fletcher, who berates and belittles his students in much…

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​Boose and The Red Bishop

by Diane Miller | Writer's Block | November 25th, 2014

…In the early 2000s, High Plains Reader published an article by writer Greg Boose titled “Three Older Women Stand in Line to Yell at the Author James Frey when Malcolm-Jamal Warner Stops By with a Two-Liter of Cherry Coke Under his Arm.”Years down the road, Boose published the piece on…

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The Quest for Quads

by Krissy Ness | Beer Snob | November 25th, 2014

…By Krissy NessQuad Ale Beer ReviewAvery – The Reverend (ABV 10% IBU 24, Colorado) “The holy trinity of ales,” this Belgian-style quad ale has a dark caramel color with an off white foamy head. It makes this beer as beautiful to look at as it is to taste. With minimal…

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‘Times’ for an oil change

by Chris Hennen | Editorial | November 25th, 2014

…Our opinion/ The New York Times’ “Downside of the Boom” provides an alarming wake up call to ND.This week’s New York Times release of an exhaustive, nine month investigative look at the oil boom and its effects in North Dakota should be a wakeup call to state citizens. Quickly dismissed…

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​The brain behind ‘ben and trish.’

by Jack Dura | Theatre | November 25th, 2014

…MSUM student aims high with original piece of theaterLocal theater is suffering by no means in Fargo-Moorhead. With the range of shows seen in the last year and still on the roster for 2014, our theater scene is lacking little. Among the main players onstage and behind the scenes, students…

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​Classic 3-D on 3-D Blu-ray

by Christopher P. Jacobs | Cinema | November 25th, 2014

…Three-dimensional movies may be regarded by many as the latest in 21st century technology, requiring modern digital cameras and projectors. The concept of 3-D photography actually goes back to the mid-19th century, and various attempts at 3-D movies have been around since the early 1900s. In an attempt to compete…

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​To be, or not to be

by Ed Raymond | Gadfly | November 25th, 2014

…To Be – Or Not To Be – Is A Fascinating Tough Question Every day we learn more about death, whether its from old age, disease, accident, murder, war, religion, suicide, or just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. We don’t seem to handle death very well…

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What we talk about when we talk about Birdman

by Greg Carlson | Cinema | November 19th, 2014

…Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu’s “Birdman” gives Michael Keaton the “Being John Malkovich” treatment in a messy, noisy backstage drama enamored of its own ruminations about art and artifice, celebrity worship, self-respect, narcissism and several dozen additional big ideas. In 2000, “Amores Perros,” the first installment of Inarritu’s “death trilogy,” divided audiences,…

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