March 31st, 2016
Spring is probably my favorite time of year as winter melts away revealing the rich sodden soil and its heady aroma. A time to shed the gloomy grey of late winter for the potential of the spring bloom. Time to source two of my favorite spring treats; ramps and morels. You would be hard pressed to find either in your local grocery. Foragers who guard their secret places might share their finds, but at a cost as ramps can go for $20.00 a pound and upward. Morels, well that is an entirely…
March 24th, 2016
If you travel to the big cities in America today you will come across the hottest food to trend to hit the restaurant scene since the food truck explosion of the nineties. We’ve all visited food courts at our local mall but the new trend of high end food halls is sweeping the country.
Imagine dropping into a food hall where there are booths staffed and run by the likes of Mario Batali, Marc Forgione and other hot chefs, either new on the scene or well established. This could the future…
March 24th, 2016
There is something special about neighborhoods that continuously offer surprises in the most unassuming places. From the outside it doesn’t seem to be much of a restaurant at all. The sign is printed on sheets of paper. BernBaum’s is tucked inside of the vintage and retro furniture store MIDMODMADHAUS at 115 Roberts Street N. Both look like they might have been plucked from a neighborhood in NYC.
The location is in a place, that coowner Brett Bernath calls NoRo (North Roberts),…
March 16th, 2016
Loafing around
Empire Tavern’s third annual meatloaf cook-off
By Brittney Goodman
When I told my friends I was writing an article about a meatloaf cook-off, almost everyone had an opinion. One friend: “It’s all about the seasoning. Bland meatloaf sucks. Kick it up a notch.” Another: “I love meatloaf, cold, the next day, in a sandwich with some hot sauce.” Another: “I hope someone sings ‘Paradise by the Dashboard Light.’” Oops, wrong meatloaf. For the third year,…
February 27th, 2016
Five courses of bacon paired with five craft beers. When I was asked to cover this dinner I asked myself as a chef, “What would I make if I was cooking it?” It’s a normal reaction for chefs. When we watch shows like “Top Chef” and “Chopped” we wonder what we would do. Knowing that chef Ryan Nitschke of Luna was putting this together made complete sense.
Nitschke is the consummate modern American chef right down to the tats, love for everything pig and hand-crafted local…
February 18th, 2016
A few weeks ago as the northeast braced for what would be a historic winter storm, news outlets positioned teams around the area at various locations to capture every possible public nuance and one provided me a great laugh. The team covering New York City located themselves outside of a Whole Foods Market in Manhattan. Now anyone who has shopped at Whole Foods knows it is not only a great store and a great company but consequently not cheap. But you do get what you pay for without a…
February 11th, 2016
With the special day for romance just a few days away, are you stressing about what to do for that special person in your life? Can’t afford a diamond? Flowers always work but are so predictable. An expensive dinner at a restaurant? Well that’s just a waste of money and frankly not romantic at all. Anybody can make a reservation.
So do something really special for your lover, something intimate, make dinner yourself.
That probably struck a bolt of fear in your romantic heart. But…
January 29th, 2016
A few years ago I came across the term “food desert.” I was intrigued and then struck by the seriousness of the matter and wrote about it in this paper. Recently, I discovered that a national organization in conjunction with others is spearheading a plan to get healthier foods into the mouths of people who really need them, mainly the underprivileged segment of our population who tend to survive on foods that lend themselves to obesity, diabetes, and which lead to pitiable health.
January 28th, 2016
No two chilies are exactly alike – Is yours spicy? Smokey? Sweet? Chunky? Brothy? Beans or no beans – all are welcome to compete. This popular regional phenomena, the Coors Light Chili Cook-off, sponsored by Bergseth Brothers, is in its twenty-seventh year. Bars throughout the region are currently hosting contests, each selecting a first, second, and third place winner.
The 2016 cook-off kicked off with three establishments on Saturday, January 16. Each weekend there are cook-offs…
January 21st, 2016
What really helps me sort through the good, bad and ugly sides of the wine business is my love of an entertaining and informative wine story. I would venture to say that as a person who gravitates toward the unique and esoteric wines for both my restaurant and retail needs, it has become one of the most important tools in my constant search for really good wine. Not unlike food, you can tell a lot about a wine when you know the story behind it. A detailed narrative provides knowledge of…
By Josette What does it mean to truly live in a community —or should I say, among community? It’s a question I have been wrestling with since I moved to Fargo-Moorhead in February 2022.…