November 6th, 2015
To The Editor:
My organization, the Alliance for Inclusion in the Arts, has just learned about the production of “Madame Butterfly” this weekend at the Fargo-Moorhead Opera and its use of the widely criticized practice of “yellowface,” that is to say the casting of Caucasian performers to portray Asian characters, utilizing makeup, hairstyles and costuming to appropriate a culture that is not theirs.
October 8th, 2015
Chris Hennen’s editorial “Downtown Fargo should be open to everyone” (10-1) criticized the city for replacing a few street benches with backless ones.
“Apparently businesses are concerned about the number of homeless people downtown,” he wrote. “The problem in downtown Fargo is not homeless people but intoxicated individuals.”
He got that turned around. There is no evidence that business people wanted to rid downtown of those in the vague “homeless”…
September 10th, 2015
To the editor:
This past weekend the community of Grand Forks came together to celebrate Pride for LGBT individuals and their straight allies. It was a tremendous demonstration of support and accomplishments. It was good to see the diversity of citizens come together under the banner of unity. At the same time, it was a time of sober contemplation – that even though all people in the U.S. – and North Dakota – now have the right to marriage equality with the Supreme Court ruling, it…
August 26th, 2015
The 2015-16 school year at the Fargo Public Schools begins on Thursday, Aug. 27. It’s an exciting time as we prepare to welcome back our nearly 2,000 staff members and more than 11,100 students at all Fargo public schools.
What is particularly exciting, in addition to welcoming eager learners and enthusiastic teachers back into the classrooms, is beginning a new school year with a far-reaching
vision for the district that was crafted by the citizens of Fargo.
In June,…
August 12th, 2015
To the editor:
Naive or not, I used to believe that we here in the Fargo-Moorhead area had four reputable news sources to go to for our information and news about local, regional and state happenings. Incidents which have happened in the last several months have caused me to seriously question that belief. Social media has received disproportionate attention lately in the manner in which it is used as sources of information. I recognize how news sources have now turned to social media,…
August 5th, 2015
To the editor:
So how many new police officers can Fargo hire by eliminating the two-year property tax break for new homeowners? To think this community still has this tax break is mind binding. With local unemployment and interest rates well below five percent, new homes will sell without giving any special tax favors to the Home Builders Association.
The City Commission, the Park Board and the School Board can easily reduce their spending levels close to the rate of inflation or even a…
August 5th, 2015
To the editor:
“Why not?” I thought. Why not roll up my sleeves and really try to do something about the oligarchy we find ourselves in, which only seems to get worse by the minute. So I went to the coffee house meeting along with 40 other folks of all ages. We accomplished much that night. I have never volunteered for a campaign and I’ve never been so jazzed in all my life. On June 29, more than 150 people showed up to our first fundraiser. We raised over $400 at Beers for Bernie…
July 22nd, 2015
To the editor:
As the race for the Democratic nomination for president in 2016 heats up, there needs to be a very clear distinction made between the two frontrunners, Hillary Clinton and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. That distinction can be summed up in one subject of particular importance not just to labor, but to all middle class and working families in America: the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement and in particular the fight against what was called “trade promotion…
July 9th, 2015
To the editor:
With a $2 billion surplus, we had a great opportunity this year to make college more affordable for Minnesota students – and for good reason. Many families and students struggle with the cost of a quality higher education, and Minnesota ranks fourth in the nation in student debt.
Unfortunately, students at the Minnesota State University in Moorhead recently learned that they will receive a tuition hike next year. Raising tuition is essentially a tax increase, because…
July 1st, 2015
To the editor:
The conversation of race is happening all around us in cities like Ferguson, Baltimore, Los Angeles, New York, Detroit, Chicago, Spokane, McKinney and Charleston. People are asking ‘Is racism a problem?’ In the face of these discussions we are raising the same questions here at home. Shootings, murders, knife fights, bar brawls leading to death, high speed police chases, an officer suicide, a new police chief and police raids, sometimes with SWAT teams occurring more…