June 12th, 2019
I think Steve Earle described the current state of pop country music best when he said, “The best stuff coming out of Nashville is all by women except for Chris Stapleton," he said. "The guys just wanna sing about getting f***ed up. They're just doing hip hop for people who are afraid of black people.”
Talk about having Thundercat “Sight beyond sight” with the relatively recent uproar surrounding Little Nas X and his collaboration with Wrangler. In case you haven’t heard a…
June 5th, 2019
Cue the Alice Cooper because “School’s out for summer!” Last week we spotlighted a ridiculous number of music, art, food, and cultural festivals that were going on throughout the region throughout the summer. While pouring our blood sweat and tears into that dreaded list I couldn’t help but think man, if anyone’s bored this summer they’ve got to be doing something wrong. Then I started rethinking and overthinking that statement. What do you do when you have a shoestring…
May 29th, 2019
Being as the summer is upon us, HPR this week put a special focus on festivals, events and activities for you to do across the region in the coming months. This is a keeper issue.
There’s no doubt we are fortunate to have the wealth and abundance of culture in our own back yard or within a short drive.
You’ll also notice lots of destination options that get you out of town for a brief moment, easily within a day’s drive. These events reflect the best of what those towns have to…
May 22nd, 2019
It’s that time of year again. Recent grads are unleashed and set out to make their mark on the world.
It’s funny how something can be simultaneously liberating and terrifying. If we could spread any pearls of wisdom to these young adults, we’d tell them the world is your oyster. Seize every opportunity. One of the best ways to learn is by making mistakes. It’s okay to make mistakes, but make sure you learn from them.
To quote Albert Einstein, “The definition of insanity is…
May 15th, 2019
On May 10, we lost the godfather of Fargo subculture, Tom Tepley. He was a businessman, husband, father, collector and the man behind Discontent -- and a unifying force who provided a space for the weirdos, myself included.
I had the pleasure of working for him at the Moorhead Discontent in the early 2000s and I believe that if it wasn’t for that experience and the people I met while working there, I wouldn’t be where I am today. In honor of Tom we reached out to a few folks to…
May 8th, 2019
According to the National Retail Federation, Americans will spend over $160 on Mom this year, and total spending will reach $19.9 billion. It’s the most popular day for dining out and the third biggest day of the year for Hallmark Cards. The other two are Christmas and Valentine’s Day. It’s also the second biggest day for gift giving.
I’m not a mother, though I do have a 23 pound cat at home. My favorite memories of Mother’s Day don’t revolve around elaborate brunches,…
May 1st, 2019
Now that North Dakota’s biennial legislative session is over, we can all breathe out a big sigh of relief. But that’s not to say there won’t be lingering indigestion.
In retrospect, and from the vantage point of those on the outside looking in, it’s truly unfortunate to see such a disproportionate sense of balance, or actually to see the total lack of balance. It’s a one-pony (or elephant) show. The old adage that absolute power corrupts absolutely comes to mind, yet we won’t…
April 25th, 2019
The High Plains Reader looks different this week. It feels different, too. We’re curious what you think.
This is the second time we’ve shifted to a glossy, trimmed and stitched cover on our weekly newspaper. What you get in the end is something more akin to a magazine. Design-wise, Raul Gomez and Jessi Schmit, his assistant, love the glossy cover. Production-wise, we need a bit more lead time for our press, but that’s manageable.
The theme of this special issue of HPR is Food. We…
April 17th, 2019
In 2016, the Rand Corportation’s National Defense Research Institute published a year-long study looking at potential consequences for transgender members to serve within the U.S Military. This study looked at seven different unique elements of trans service ranging from how many trans people will seek gender transition care to what can be learned from foreign militaries that permit openly trans soldiers.
The result of this studied showed allowing trans individuals to serve openly…
April 10th, 2019
It allows us to spread information, allow half-truths and falsities. It serves as a platform for us to display our triumphs, tragedies, hardships and cat pictures. Yes, I’m rhapsodizing about social media.
Depending upon how you adjust your settings social media could very well be our generation’s party line. Or if we want to make parallels of mythical proportions, it could also be considered a contemporary version of Pandora’s box; or to be less eloquent, it’s one big dumb…
By Josette Ciceronunapologeticallyanxiousme@gmail.com What does it mean to truly live in a community —or should I say, among community? It’s a question I have been wrestling with since I moved to Fargo-Moorhead in February 2022.…