April 29th, 2015
I finally got around to going through all my cookbooks in my upstairs kitchen, as they were on the verge of taking over my small counter space.
I thought it would be great to be “Little Miss Organizer” and put them in order of Mexican, Italian, Asian and so on, but then to my surprise I found a book that did not fall into any of those titles. This was a self-made cookbook by a local celebrity. It brought a smile to my face and brought me back to great memories of her cooking.…
April 15th, 2015
Last Saturday was the grand opening of the coffee bar and roasterie Twenty Below Coffee Co. in downtown Fargo.
Ty Ford and Mike Moran met only seven months ago at Unseen Ministries and have been working together with their wives Elisha and Danae since December. They got to talking (over a cup of coffee) and realized that they could expand the business of Ty and Elisha’s coffee roasting endeavors and open up a space together to serve coffee and serve the community.
Twenty Below Coffee…
April 15th, 2015
Here's the next installment in my series of four articles about what I have found in my excursions to the new ethic markets that have opened in Fargo.
The last article I wrote was about the Himalayan Market and what they had to offer. I ended that article saying the next time I write, it would be about the "wow" factor. It's called Fargo Fresh, which opened in November 2014. It is owned by couple Sam and Vandana Saravana Ranga-Swamy.
They're doing it right. It is a beautiful new market…
April 8th, 2015
Hopefully by now you are coming down from the ultimate sugar rush, Easter. I always knew we went a tad overboard with the sweets during the week devoted to the celebration of Christianity. We, as a nation, spent $16.4 billion on candy this past week. That blew my mind. I didn’t make that number up -- I heard it on CBS Money Watch.
I mentioned to a friend that this was true trickle-down economics. We all know who gets the acknowledgement and spiritual benefit; after all it’s his…
April 1st, 2015
Last week I went on a rant about dips and how they are important in both culinary and social circles. Well, the actual rant came later when I drew a loose comparison between dips and politicians. The one thing I didn’t share was some recipes for one of my favorite food sharing categories: dips and spreads.
March Madness is coming to an end this weekend with the Final Four. What better reason than that to get down on some dippin’. Plus the NCAA hockey finals are…
March 25th, 2015
Recently, at a somewhat posh reception, I found myself hovering near the buffet table expounding on the achievements of ALS patient extraordinaire Chris Rosati.If you don’t know who he is check out his Facebook page and be prepared to be amazed. He makes everything we all do seem so insignificant, but that is because his actions are so much more significant with “The Butterfly Effect.”
Anyway, the brunette was off discussing the worldwide options of fashion (now that the winter…
March 18th, 2015
By Eric McKenzie
I found it difficult to decide what to eat yesterday. Seeking to never bore my flavor palate, I strengthen my connection with food through continuous learning and creativity.
Knowing that what I eat sustains me, mind and body, I make cooking a pleasurable experience. A podcast keeps me company through the tedious moments. If you don't have kitchen confidence yet, keep trying and know that it's always a recipe away.
Can you remember a time when you…
March 5th, 2015
What is in a name? Curious as it may seem there is no back-story to the name of Fargo’s latest hotspot, The Toasted Frog, or at least one not readily available for our consumption. No worries, there are a lot more tasty consumables awaiting you there. Originally based in Grand Forks, this hip bar and restaurant serving intoxicatingly well-crafted cocktails along with diverse culinary offerings is a welcome addition to downtown Fargo’s dining scene.
While chatting with Sarah Erikson,…
February 11th, 2015
The fun about writing for the reader, for me, is finding these places I like to eat at and being able to brag about them to you.
I wanted to share with you a place in Bismarck that I was introduced to two years ago during their Street Fair. I was hungry for a really good salad and really nice, comfy soup, not street fair food. I have nothing against street fair food (I like a good hot dog and I will fight for the last cheese curd too) but because it was pouring rain and cold, I needed…
February 7th, 2015
There is cheese and then there is cheese: hand-crafted and aged well to allow all the microbes to work their magic; or mass produced as a stodgy yellow substance stored as slices between sheets of plastic with a nuclear half-life.
Cheese is very much a part of the daily American diet and the economic darling of the National Dairy Management office.
America is ranked as the 11th largest cheese consumer on an international scale with the average personal consumption of around 30-plus…